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Religious Dues


During the month of Dhull Hijjah, Muslims sacrifice an animal (red meat), cow, goat or sheep as an act of devotion . . .

Zakat Al-Fitr

Zakat al-Fitr and Fitrana is a type of Zakat that must be paid before the Eid ul-Fitr prayer. The purpose of this Zakat is to . . .

Fidya / Kaffarah

If you have missed or broken your fasts in Ramadan, you should make up for them by paying Fidyah or Kaffarah. Watan . . .


Sadaqah Jariyah is the act of giving in a charity that is continuous. From providing sustainable water solutions, that gives . . .

Sadaqah Jariyah

Sadaqah Jariyah is the act of giving in a charity that is continuous. From providing sustainable water solutions, that gives . . .


Our teams in Syria reach out to the Syrian Refugees to ensure they get nutritious food, quality education, access to . . .