Improving Shelter Conditions For 1500 Displaced Families In Aleppo And Idlib

In response to the needs of the most vulnerable groups of the displaced- who were forced to flee from southern Idlib and the western countryside of Aleppo between December 2019 to March 2020(to areas such as Afrin, Al-Bab, Azaz, Idlib, al-Dana, Maarat Misrin, Sarmada, Armanaz, Salaqin, Azmarin)-Watan decided to intervene to enhance their shelter & living conditions. This project was taken on as some of them were living in incomplete/partially damaged and inade-quate collective centres that lack basic needs for daily standard living (privacy or minimum health requirements).

Watan has begun implementing the first stages of the project, which are based on technical evaluation of the shelters. In light of which, rehabilitation services will be provided to 1500 displaced families residing in 34 collective centres devoid of adequate living condition. One part of the rehabilitation work includes the maintenance and improvement of current health facilities.

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The system will provide non-food items/core relief items (CRIs) to all the vulnerable families who are included in the rehabilitation centre, in addition to providing supplementary aid for the winter season, including stoves and heating materials.

It will provide educational support (banners, posters, and illustrations on public facilities) re-garding PSA virus, “COVID19” virus, fire hazards, & provide security and safety items.

In doing so, 1,500 families living in damaged and inadequate social centres will receive sustain-able life support and shelter support (non-food items with an improved shelter infrastructure), in addition to coordinated and integrated winterization services.