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Blood donation … saves lives || WATAN campaign on World Blood Donor Day

In cooperation with the ‘Qatra for Humanity’ team and the ‘Child Protection Committee in Idlib’. WATAN launched the “Blood Collection” campaign on International Blood Donor Day to encourage people to donate blood.

WATAN centres in Idlib and Marea received 80 donors over two days which the campaign took place During this time WATAN’s medical team worked on performing the necessary checks and tests to ensure the blood is safe for the patients.

The WATAN Medical Centre in the city of Idlib needs blood to be donated periodically, as it is the only centre in the region that specializes in thalassemia patients. It is particularly because a thalassemia patient needs to take blood at least twice each month.

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The second WATAN Centre in Mara city is the only blood bank in the countryside of northern Aleppo that secures blood derivatives from plasma and platelets.

WATAN would like to thank all those who participated in this campaign, in particular the donors and invites you to donate more often as it helps continue to save the lives of many people.