Food Insecurity in War-Torn Syria
Millions of people displaced inside Syria are facing severe food insecurity. Most of them are suffering from undernourishment, and their diet consists of only bread and olive oil. They rarely get to eat a nutritious meal.
WATAN UK is at the forefront of the food crisis in the Syrian displacement camps. Our teams are delivering food packs and water bottles in areas where it is needed most. We ensure that displaced families are provided with enough food so they can stay nourished.
The Food Security and Livelihoods Program focuses on projects that aim to break the cycle of poverty and meet the emergency needs of food.
Projects are used to promote economic and social development.
It also aims to help secure the resources needed to generate income, as well as to provide sustainable livelihoods for the current and future generations and to enhance their well-being.
Our Mission & Vision
Strengthening the resilience of families adversely affected by disasters and conflicts by strengthening their livelihoods, protecting their property and reducing adverse effects on them. Ensure their ability to fulfil their own basic needs better and to access activities that will support their well being.
The food safety and livelihoods Program envisions a world where extreme poverty and starvation are abolished. A dignified living for every family is guaranteed whereby everyone has access to healthy and nutritious food. To plant hope in the hearts of the youth and enable them to build flourishing and sustainable livelihoods.

Flour & Bakery
Watan UK currently supports three bakeries in Idleb with 100 tonnes of flour monthly to be able to distribute over 140,000 bread ‘Khobez’ packs every month to over 4,800 families.
Watan UK aims to make the best impact of your donations by delivering aid directly to the beneficiaries. Our first ‘Care Bakery’ was established in 2017 in Aleppo suburb. It is completely owned, run and supported by Watan. The bakery produces over 56,000 bread packs per month. The bread is distributed among 1,900 unprivileged families living in nearby areas.

Food Baskets
Food is one of the basic needs of a community, and those who struggle to maintain a sustainable food chain find themselves falling into the quicksand of poverty and starvation.
In 2019, we successfully delivered 75,474 food baskets directly to needy families, taking our total number of beneficiaries in our food security program to 1,312,759 people.
A food basket contains a mixture of 17 food items (dependant on the availability and need of the families). Each basket generously contains a mixture of rice, lentils different beans, cheeses, oils, canned food, teas and coffees and flour.
WATAN delivers each food basket directly to the needy families through our volunteers.
Food Basket £30

Give Where the Need is Greatest
£25 - Where most needed