IDPs In Idleb Are In Desperate Need For Medical Facilities Amid The Pandemic
WATAN UK completed its new, innovative camps in Kafar Jales and Ariba in early April. The project is one of its kind and aims to provide a much more sustainable shelter solution for Syrian IDPs scattered across Idleb governorate and Northwest Syria. By the beginning of Ramadan, 3,100 IDPs have been allocated to Kafar Jales camp and several more at Ariba camps as well.
“The nearest medical centre here is five kilometres from the camp.”
WATAN Representative

The Need Is Increasing
The camps were built to host more than 20,000 habitants, which means that the need is expected to rise as more IDPs arrive, hoping to find a safe shelter where they can live with dignity. The new circumstances will demand at least two health units. These facilities will provide primary healthcare and additional services such as;
- General consultation
- Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) consultation
- Treatment and management of non-communicable diseases (NCD)
- Nutrition counseling for infants
- MHPSS counselling
- Mental health and psychosocial support
- Drug’s dispensary
- Implementing essential protocols to prevent infection
Your Support Is Crucial Amid The Health Crisis
WATAN UK has currently set mobile health clinics at both camps to provide immediate medical assistance. But the need can only be achieved by establishing healthcare units. The total cost to ensure healthcare at these camps is $40,000. Your donations are greatly needed to help those who are suffering from illnesses. Please donate your Zakat and Sadaqah. Your donations will make a lasting impact and bring continuous rewards for you!
Provide Healthcare For The Syrian IDPs
Give Where the Need is Greatest
£25 - Where most needed